Heroes’ Universe [1.12.2]

Безграничный, постоянно расширяющийся мир героев и злодеев из Marvel и DC.

Скриншоты мода (кликабельно!):

Adding in a heap of playable characters from Marvel and DC Comics, this mod allows you to suit up as an iconic hero or villain, using your unique powers to defeat enemies and save the world of Minecraft. Build up a collection of suits and expand your roster of heroes, and fight new bosses like Professor Zoom, Joker, and Venom. This mod will be updated constantly in the future, with more characters, tools, dimensions, and objectives.Many suits you craft normally, though some many characters (like Daredevil and Shazam) you need to buy using XP via the Hero Data Collection, a computer-like block. Through the Data Collection, you also get essential materials like Kryptonite, Uru, and Extracted Speedforce Energy, all purchasable with XP. You can also view each character’s powers & abilities with the Data Collection. Future updates will further expand on this concept.

Current Marvel characters:

-Captain America
-Iron Man
-Black Panther
-Human Torch
-Mr. Fantastic
-Invisible Woman


Current DC characters:

-Wonder Woman
-The Flash
-Martian Manhunter


-Professor Zoom

Current mobs/bosses:

-Professor Zoom (boss)
-Joker (boss)
-Venom (boss)

Current dimensions:

-Negative Zone
-Quantum Realm

Known issues/bugs:

-the inside of the leg armor sometimes show through
-teleporting through dimensions can sometimes leave you in a solid wall
-flight is sometimes a bit glitchy when you take the armor off, should revert to normal once you restart your game
-fire from lasers can catch air on fire, should revert to normal once you restart your game



Как установить Heroes' Universe на Майнкрафт:

  1. Скачать и установить Forge рекомендованной версии
  2. Скачать и кинуть скачанный мод Heroes' Universe в папку mods. Все!
  3. Подробнее.

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