Caravans [1.12.2] [1.11.2]

Караваны — это группа сущностей, которые приходят к игроку, торгуют с ними, а затем исчезают на расстоянии.

Caravans, a mod heavily inspired by RimWorld, brings more life to the Minecraft by adding a group of mobs that come to the player in search of trades. These traders can sell almost anything, from items to creatures!

Caravans consist of the following structure:

  • Caravan
    • Leader The head of the caravan, the one you must trade with.
    • Followers The Merchants and Livestock that come along to trade and be traded.
      • Merchants The ones that decide what to trade and how much they have left
        • Types of Trades
          • ItemStack -gt, ItemStack Give an item, gain an Item.
          • ItemStack -gt, Entity Give an item, gain a mob on a leash.
          • Entity -gt, Entity Give an entity (By having it leashed to you), gain an entity on a leash.

Documentation can be found on the Wiki.

By default Caravans has no content by itself, the mod requires CraftTweaker to be installed to add Caravans, Merchants and Trades to the game. Additionally, Caravans has support for GameStages.



Как установить Caravans на Майнкрафт:

  1. Скачать и установить Forge рекомендованной версии
  2. Скачать и кинуть скачанный мод Caravans в папку mods. Все!
  3. Подробнее.

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